When requesting a service that cannot be charged immediately, cinvio will first reserve the amount based on the entered parameters in the order. Behind the scenes cinvio calculates the exact amount and once the order is finalised, cinvio will charge the exact amount based on the actual parameters.

Let us dive into a specific example:

- Transport company ABC requests storage of a container from 04/07/2023 until 10/07/2023

- cinvio calculates the corresponding amount based on the entered parameters. If Transport company ABC has enough balance in its cinvio account, the service can be requested. (If not, a top-up needs to be done immediately.)

- Due to circomstances Transport company ABC picks up the container only at 15/07/2023. This is five days later than expected, which means the costs are higher than precalculated and higher than available on your balance.

To inform you about this, the cinvio partner (service provider) will send an email to notify you.